Fast X is the brand new installment in the popular Fast & Furious franchise. The highly-awaited action movie starring Vin Diesel is all set to make its arrival in theatres in the United States on May 19, 2023. The movie's story has been written by Dan Mazeau, Zach Dean, and Justin Lin. Mazeau and Lin are the screenplay writers of the movie as well, while Louis Leterrier has acted as the director.
The movie had its world premiere on May 12, 2023, at the Colosseum in Rome. It was a star-studded affair with exciting appearances from the promising cast of Fast X, including Vin Diesel, Tyrese Gibson, Michelle Rodriguez, John Cena, Helen Mirren, Charlize Theron, Rita Moreno, and others.
After the premiere of the film, early reactions have already begun to come to the surface ahead of the movie's theatrical debut in the United States.
Individuals who were lucky enough to be at the Rome premiere and watch Fast X, are addressing it as, "stupidly entertaining", "an entertaining thrill ride", a “visual spectacle”. Some have even gone on to declare that the new movie will potentially put the franchise "back on track."