According to Sacnilk website, the movie garnered an estimated Rs 23.85 crore net in India during its first seven days. On its eighth day, 'Turbo' added around Rs 1.20 crore to its collections, bringing the total Kerala box office collections to Rs 25.05 crore. The film's steady performance highlights its appeal to audiences and its potential for further success in the coming weeks.
The film's occupancy rates on Thursday, May 30, 2024, reflect its popularity among moviegoers. 'Turbo' achieved an overall 14.99% occupancy rate for Malayalam screenings. Breaking it down by showtimes, the morning shows saw an 8.97% occupancy, afternoon shows reached 13.24%, evening shows had 18.12%, and night shows recorded the highest at 19.63%. These figures indicate a growing interest in the film as the day progresses, particularly during the evening and night showings.
Directed by Vysakh, 'Turbo' follows the gripping story of Jose, a Jeep driver who finds himself in trouble and is forced to relocate to Chennai, Tamil Nadu. In Chennai, Jose becomes entangled with Indhu and his best friend, leading to a series of unexpected events and surprises.